Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Contoh Narrative Text singkat Bahasa Inggris

My Terrible Moment
By Putra Yasa

            Anu, a boy who lived in Gianyar city was a clever boy. Last month, he graduated from senior high school as the student who got the highest point in national exam. Even more, without any tests like the other students, he was honored scholarship to continue studied in one of the famous university in Bali. His family was really proud of him because he only needed to join the campus introduction as a formality.
            Campus introduction was held. On the first and second day, everything was running really well. He got seminar, a short educational discussion and learned something positive of the university. At the end of the day every students got some tasks to work at home and brought it in the next day.
            At home, Anu felt bored to work the tasks. Besides it was caused by he was tired after coming from campus, he thought that the tasks were really easy. He decided to lay down on bed while playing games. Unexpected, time passed going midnight. Quickly he made the tasks because the third day would be different. It would start earlier at 6 am. He set the alarm at 5.00 am.
            Everything was okay until he woke up by his mother’s scream, ”Anu, get uupppp! It’s 5.30 am” and it made him panic because he never thought that he was sleeping soundly and didn’t hear the alarm’s sound. Get up, make up, set up, everything was being hurried. He rode his motorbike as fast as possible to pass the 15kms distance in 10 minutes. On the way, he looked at his watch that showed the time was 6 o’clock. His focus was lost, suddenly the motorbike slipped and crashed into the sidewalk; furthermore, it threw him 10meters away. He looked again the watch, it was 6.15 am, “too late”, he thought. He felt that all parts of his body were broken and soon his consciousness  was lost.
            It was about an hour later, he woke up and suddenly he was in hospital with his family around him. He was regret why he was being idle when he had a plenty of times to prepare everything, must not until midnight. Therefore, if you have times to prepare something, don’t delay it even it is just for a moment.

3 komentar:

  1. hi...sakha it's me again...I already read your text, and I think it will be better you write "Anu felt bored in working the tasks" on paragraph 3
