Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Nyepi for the world

BALI ISLAND is the most popular destination for travelers. Why? Because Bali has unique cultures, full of spiritual traditions. One of its traditions is Nyepi. It`s really unique because when the other religions celebrate their new year day with luxuriousness, Balinese Hindu are just doing nothing.


You have to read the article below!

Nyepi day

The origin word of Nyepi is sepi(silent, quiet). It’s the Hindu’s New Year celebration based on Saka Calendar(Balinese calendar system), approximately it began since 78 AD. The main purpose of Nyepi is pleading to the God to purify Bhuana Alit(human) and Bhuana Agung(nature). There are several ceremonies which held before and after Nyepi day:

Melasti ceremony

Two-three days before Nyepi, Melasti or Melis/Mekiyis ceremony is held, on this day, all the ceremony instruments in temple like pralingga, statue as symbol of God are taken to the source of water like sea, lake and river, because those places are the sources of Amerta or eternal life to purify all things within human and nature.

Pengerupukan ceremony

A day before Nyepi, Pengerupukan ceremony is held. Starting on the evening, all Hindus in Bali is held mecaru/tawur to purify Butha Kala(evils` leader in Balinese Hindu belief) and all filthiness by giving specific offerings at a traffic/crossroads and environment of each houses. After mecaru, it will be followed by the main of pengerupukan ceremony agenda, Ogoh-ogoh parade/pageant. Ogoh-ogoh( a big giant sculptures made from bamboo and other materials as a symbol of Bhuta Kala) are paraded to the whole environment. Started from mini size up to huge giant sizes, all are paraded by children, teens, and adults. At the end, it will be burned. Hopefully it can be neutralized Bhuta Kala from the surrounding and they will not disturb the people.

Nyepi Day

On this new year day, all Hindus in Bali  are doing self-introspection to become holistically pure people. Therefore, there are no daily activities in Bali, only hospital are opened. Usually there are pecalang(the traditional balinese security men) every Nyepi day. The pecalang wear black uniforms and udeng or  destar which is balinese headband for men that used in traditional ceremony. There are four main activities(Catur Brata Penyepian) that Balinese Hindu should do on Nyepi:

1.      Amati Geni, do not light fire or other object that contain elements of light;

2.      Amati Lelungan, do not go out of house;

3.      Amati Lelanguan, do not enjoy any kind of entertainment;

4.      Amati Karya, do not do any activities that related with work.

Ngembak Geni Ceremony

Ngembak Geni is the last schedule in a series of Nyepi agenda. On this day, Balinese Hindu are doing Dharma Shanti (Dharma means goodness, Shanti means peacefulness). All people do self-reflection and ask forgiveness from one to another. Hopefully everyone will always love each others as the belief that we all are the same, God`s creation.

Even though it`s only a day, give our earth a rest is really meaningful. Rather than, you are rested by the earth, isn`t it???

Adapted from Balipedia.id

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